Thursday, August 13, 2009


One of my favourite books in the New Testament is 1 John.

It puts me in a good mood:D

You read into it deeper and you realize something...

WHY would John be sayying this stuff about love?

The horrible truth is because we don't love, we don't understand love, we take the true and honest meaning of love and tear it in two and sayy "NO God! You can shove it because I'm gonna keep loving this world and loving the things that please my heart!"

Kaleb and Matt are talkin about it and I hope you realize something too.

LOVE is what's going to hold us together, in perfect harmony! School is almost here and the only way God is going to implement ANY change in our campuses is once we start loving, truly and honestly.

God is love and who is God?
He's royal majestic awe inspiring breathtaking dangerous worthy of praise sovereign! He's graceful merciful just and mighty!

So is love. Not our love but the love that God loves with. His love. His holy righteous love. THAT'S the love we're to love with! THAT'S the love that WILL change us and change our world in a way that we won't believe!

Therefore, as you go, LOVE GOD'S LOVE!!

Love God Love People!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


God is amazing! Our verse from Mark 12 is from the Old Testament-like the section of our Bible that we open and choke on all the dust that puffs out the pages. Deuteronomy 6.5. Deuteronomy is an excellent book btw. All those laws are fantastic. NO I'm NOT being sarcastic. You learn that God really shows His love for us in all these commandments and you learn that God just wants us to be happy and live a full life. You look at the Don'ts and go Oh God why? Why all these stupid rules? Well God knows what's upp. He did make us. You also realize that the world requires you to sell yourself. Nope your "freedom" that you experience in the world is just slavery disguised as something neat and trendy and cool looking. It's all crap. God tells us I love you I love you I love you and we go Oh cool. Now that you've said that let me go whore myself out to the world, see what they want me to do now.

It's heartbreaking...

God is constantly calling out to us but we're too caught upp in OUR lives doing OUR things, but OUR things kill US. HIS things (His love HIs mercy HIs grace) save us, rescue us.

In the end, HIs things His way trumps our things. Always and forever.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Moving on...

So friends...


Well that's what it sounded like in my head...I mean we get so caught up in doing doing doing we never stop to think what we're doing or even WHY.

In Matthew 6, Jesus is telling us how we do things and in doing so, why.

He tells us Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them for then you will receive no reward from your Father who is in heaven. THUS when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let you left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

What does Jesus mean by emphasizing this secrecy? Does He mean we shouldn't let people see us do good things? No not really. His point is that our point should be God the Father's glory, not ours. It's a heart of humility He's desiring.

Look at what the 'hypocrites' do. They sound a trumpet in the synagogues! Imagine if someone in the middle of one of your church services stood on a pew whipped a trumpet out played a fanfare and said "Hey HEY! Look what I'm doing! I'm giving 30% instead of 10% AND giving a love offering to our music minister! I'm so good sinners!"

That's ridiculous isn't it?
They'd get pushed off that pew and embarrassed pretty badly right?

Well honestly that's what we do when we publish our good works in bulletins and show our good deeds off on the marquis.

We sayy "Look at what God is doing in MY life and blessing ME in giving ME opportunities to bless OTHERS."

That's not the ministry Jesus demonstrated to us. He told people to SHUT UP and not tell anyone. God the Son wanted God the Father to get all the glory. He knew what was upp and down.

That's exactly how we should be. Humble, knowing our spots. We aren't God. We are His children tho. Good children know that they didn't make themselves. Their parents did obviously.

So what is our purpose??

Be God's children (heirs in Christ!) and humble yourself. OUR purpose is HIS glory.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1 Peter 5.9&10

God likes to get His point across as is evident by this verse "Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering is being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."

Oh my God, You are amazing!

He blesses us wretched horrible scoundrels with His grace and His glory and even goes so far as to restore our hearts, confirm His love, strengthen our spirits, and establish us, US? in His spirit of grace and love!

Bottom line-I'm glad God's love is incomprehensible:D

Hello Friends!

My friends I extend to you blessings upon blessings and it is my fervent prayer to serve you dutifully and to be a blessing in your life! I just joined so cut me some slack here;) Before I joined I had my good friend and former TL Matt McNeal slip me the verses. Wow. Romans 8.6 and 2 Corinthians 10.5. Blew and are blowing me awayy friends. These verses go quite well with Phillipians 4.8 all pretty much sayying God created some killer awesome amazing things so focus on those things and don't let that crap that Satan tries to force feed you even touch your lips. Focus on God's glory and let that be your LIFE CALLING. Ministry, factory work, shoveling horse manure-all jobs where God can and will be glorified. Let His glory be our purpose friends and brothers/sisters!