Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hello Friends!

My friends I extend to you blessings upon blessings and it is my fervent prayer to serve you dutifully and to be a blessing in your life! I just joined so cut me some slack here;) Before I joined I had my good friend and former TL Matt McNeal slip me the verses. Wow. Romans 8.6 and 2 Corinthians 10.5. Blew and are blowing me awayy friends. These verses go quite well with Phillipians 4.8 all pretty much sayying God created some killer awesome amazing things so focus on those things and don't let that crap that Satan tries to force feed you even touch your lips. Focus on God's glory and let that be your LIFE CALLING. Ministry, factory work, shoveling horse manure-all jobs where God can and will be glorified. Let His glory be our purpose friends and brothers/sisters!

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