Wednesday, August 12, 2009


God is amazing! Our verse from Mark 12 is from the Old Testament-like the section of our Bible that we open and choke on all the dust that puffs out the pages. Deuteronomy 6.5. Deuteronomy is an excellent book btw. All those laws are fantastic. NO I'm NOT being sarcastic. You learn that God really shows His love for us in all these commandments and you learn that God just wants us to be happy and live a full life. You look at the Don'ts and go Oh God why? Why all these stupid rules? Well God knows what's upp. He did make us. You also realize that the world requires you to sell yourself. Nope your "freedom" that you experience in the world is just slavery disguised as something neat and trendy and cool looking. It's all crap. God tells us I love you I love you I love you and we go Oh cool. Now that you've said that let me go whore myself out to the world, see what they want me to do now.

It's heartbreaking...

God is constantly calling out to us but we're too caught upp in OUR lives doing OUR things, but OUR things kill US. HIS things (His love HIs mercy HIs grace) save us, rescue us.

In the end, HIs things His way trumps our things. Always and forever.

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